23 December 2011

The Fleece Family Christmas Tradition

For the past, I don't know how many years, our family has followed a tradition at Christmas. A ritual, if you will. This ritual takes place at my father's house on Christmas eve. The usual suspects are there, my dad, step mother, sister Lauren, brothers Thomas and Matthew - and his wife Emily (who is also my sister! and pregnant with a little baby on the way).

Christmas eve day, we arrive in good time (before dark) - and there's music playing, drinks to be had, animals to be played with and some last minute gifts to be wrapped. A fire is usually on and there's an unspoken excitement floating around in the air. The Christmas tree is always quite the sight, with a plethora of gifts spilling out from underneath it.

Each and every year, we have a fondue. We've never had a turkey, roast or any other traditional style meal. For as long as I can remember, it's all about fondue. And each year, my step mother steps it up with her cooking skills. The past few years she's added Guinness beer to the cheese fondue (you can now wipe the drool from your mouth). Yes, that's right. We start off with a cheese fondue. With steamed veggies and an abundance of fresh bread. 

Next up, we have a meat fondue with chicken breast and steak. There's plenty of delicious sauces for dipping and the table is usually a huge mess at this point. But, we're laughing, having fun - and more importantly, enjoying each others company. Lastly, we finish off with a chocolate fondue, with fruits and marshmallows. It's nothing short of sheer decadence. 

And finally, the finale. Every year we get to open one gift on Christmas eve. And every year it's the same gift: Pajamas. This is probably my most favourite part. We each tear open our new pajamas, in anticipation of the new threads we'll be wearing for the next year. And within minutes of opening our gifts, we all run to change into our new found sleep wear. As the night comes to a close, we usually prepare hot chocolate with Bailey's and cozy up by the fireside while watching a Christmas classic. It's simply heart-warming, isn't it?

Pajamas are my absolute favourite. I'm not sure how many I've gone through in the past 10 years, but I can say that it's been about 20 pairs. Fleece, cotton, silk, synthetic, you name it. Leopard, pink, polka dot - it's all there for the taking. My current favourites are an X-Large pair of leopard fleece my mom bought for me. Soooo sweet. Here are my top 5 for this year:

The red plaid classic. These will never go out of pajama style.

One piece. Cute and comfy. 

Sexy and sweet. The boys will love this set.

Pink satin. Smooth and sultry. For special occasions.

Lastly, leopard. I couldn't post my favourite pj's without'em.

Merry Christmas to all! 

Love, fashionflea xx

9 December 2011

Annnnd it's a Green Light for Intercourse

Birth control is never a subject that gets talked about enough. I mean, between ladies, sure, we talk about it - but solutions, tips and tricks, well, they don't really exist for the most part. You either take the pill, use condoms, practice the "rhythm" method or you simply play Russian roulette. That or you have an IUD. We are all very much aware of what our options are.

I have always struggled with birth control and my options. I hate taking the pill. I don't like to have to take a pill that I don't really know how it effects me. Not to mention having to take it every day, at the same goddamn hour. Remember when the pill patch came out? WOAH breakthrough. Ya, for all of a few months. I mean, come on, a patch? Ugh. So not sexy.

And so, due to our limited sexy options, millions of women opt for the birth control pill. This scares me. There is just something not right about it. The amount of estrogen that goes into these little tablets. It can't be good for your body. Day in, day out, millions of women across the world are peeing estrogen into our toilets. Isn't that slightly disturbing? To me it is.

What I find really interesting is what the pill has done for women in the work force:

"Claudia Goldin, among others, argue that this new contraceptive technology was a key player in forming women's modern economic role, in that it prolonged the age at which women first married allowing them to invest in education and other forms of human capital as well as generally become more career-oriented. Soon after the birth control pill was legalized, there was a sharp increase in college attendance and graduation rates for women. From an economic point of view, the birth control pill reduced the cost of staying in school. The ability to control fertility without sacrificing sexual relationships allowed women to make long term educational and career plans." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combined_oral_contraceptive_pill

I know this is no new news, as the pill was released in the late 60's and has been going strong since then. However, I was recently sent an article that made me think there could be a change. A very ingenious change, at that. I now introduce you to Lady-Comp: The fertility monitor. This incredible little gadget is able to detect when you are fertile. The only thing you do is press a button once a day, which takes your temperature orally. It takes merely seconds. Red light means you're fertile, yellow means you're probably fertile, and finally it's a green light for intercourse. Amazing! With a bit of a hefty price of $500, it's not the cheapest of options. But when you think of your body, what you put into it and what that's worth, this is


1 December 2011

The Movember Movement Part 2: The 'Staches

What a successful Movember month this has been. I have never in my life seen so many moustaches in my life. And just like that, poof, they're gone. There was all but one man in the office left with a 'stache. The rest were proudly wearing their hair free face today. I feel liberated for them too. We can all move on. This past Movember was definitely at it's most successful this year. But, it's December now, so we can all move on without the awkwardness.

Before we do that, let's have a quick look at a few I spotted:

Man on subway. I missed my stop trying to snap this one.

The nice guys at the bar. They were just nice guys.

The dude. 'nuff said.

The Bro. Yo.

My bro. Literally, yo.

The well-kept, tidy moustache. I'd say this is my preference. It doesn't look as ill-placed as the others. I must say, this young man wears his 'stache very well. Kudos, buddy.

And finally, a special shout-out goes to Blair De Verteuil, a colleague of my best friends husband. He raised over $17,000 for prostate cancer. His original goal was $10,000. 

Vagina coat, oh vagina coat, won't you please go away

This right here is a requisition to stop the vagina coats from spreading. It might just be too late, but something has to be said. Vagina coat, you say? Yes, it's called the Vagina coat. Its furry collar that's purposefully wrapped to mimic a woman's labia. And, of course the head looks like its being birthed outside of this god-awful collar. It is a disaster. Not to mention, what the hell kind of warmth is that going to provide to your face? Stupid. Awful trend.

Must go now. 

*Special credit goes out to my brother, Matthew (one of the funniest people I know), for suggesting to write about this*

26 November 2011

The Movember Movement

A few years ago my brother Matthew announced to family and friends that he would be growing a mustache for the month of November. He said he would be raising money for Prostate Cancer and sending us all a link to a website www.movember.com and encouraged us to donate online. And this, my hairy and not-so-hairy friends, was my first introduction to Movember. Now, I don't get to see my brother often, but when I do, I'm accustomed to seeing his face look a certain way. But now I know what to expect during the month of November.

When I first saw my brother rocking his 'stache, not only could I not take him seriously, but I could barely carry on a conversation without my eyes being drawn to the caterpillar like insect above his upper lip. Since then, every year he's been proudly wearing his 'stache during November. And I support him 100%. I mean, if men can profit off their facial hair for a good cause, then why not? I just learned last night that there's actually something like this for women: Julina. Where women adorn their boxes with different shapes and even ornaments.

I have to say that this year the Movember Movement has grown more popular than ever. With mustaches of all thicknesses, colours and styles. Most, I find, look ridiculous. But I've come to think it's more a reason for men to feel like they're a part of some secret club. You know, it's rare to see so many men latch on to a trend. I've always associated trends with women. From Jennifer Anniston's layered hair style to Ugg boots. This right here, ladies and gentlemen, is a true phenomenon for the male species. And it'll only get more popular.

Now, I will officially give you my opinion on the Movember Movement - as it doesn't seem to be going anywhere, that is, until the end of the month when every man's sink pipes will be filled with course facial hair. And every women of theirs will gladly accept offers for oral sex again. So, men, please take notes for next year. As, after discussing with a few worthy women of opinion, we have come up with the following noteworthy requirements you should follow:

1.) If you are going to take part in the Movember Movement, you have to raise money, or at the very least, awareness

This is an important point and it's why I'm listing it as number 1. Because if you don't raise money, well quite frankly to me, and any other woman in the know about Movember, you just look like a white sheep. Even if you don't take a photo of yourself and post it online, it's OK! Just let people know you're doing it, at the very least, and why. To me it's about creating awareness more than just following the crowd. And trust me, we know who you are.

2.) You have to play by the rules. There are no exceptions.

Play by the rules. I've noticed some men with beards before November 1st, who just shaved themselves a mustache on the first of the month. And I'm not exactly sure why? Perhaps to avoid the embarrassment of the inevitable in between stages? Regardless, you're a cheater - plain and simple - so man up and grow through the awkward stages just like the rest of them do. And believe me, you're more of a man for doing it. We commend you for it, guys.

3.) Maintain your mustache!

This last requirement is an integral part of this event. We know you're not used to having a mustache. A beard, perhaps, but probably not a 'stache. As such, you should do a little research, ask some buds, whatever, just maintain the 'stache. Trim it so it's not growing over your upper lip, keep it even and tidy. Nobody likes an out of control mustache. It's a distraction enough. And, look into different styles and consider what would look best for you. 

If you see any mustaches worthy of snapping, please send them my way! 

19 November 2011

A Two-Year Anniversary: Puce à la mode

This coming week marks the two year anniversary of when I first moved to Montréal. And the time has flown faster than ever. The move to La Belle Province happened very quickly and unexpectedly. I had just recently moved home to Toronto from Whistler. But there was something in me that knew I wouldn't be staying in Toronto for long. The Great Canadian Adventure I was on was to continue in another Province, I just didn't know it quite yet.

I was having a hard time getting a job interview. The market was tough and things weren't working in my favour. Needless to say, I felt deflated and discouraged. Then my step mother, who works at a placement agency, mentioned a job opening at a finance company. She told me it wasn't a glamourous job, but to give it a shot anyways. So, I did. And I got an interview, and I felt it went pretty well. But I still wasn't really interested in that particular job. Well, I didn't end up getting that job. However, in the interview I met the Director of Marketing at the head office in Montréal. And, about a month later, I got a call from HR saying that there was another opening in Montréal that they thought I would be good for. I didn't waste a second.

Within three weeks I had my car all packed up (again) and was driving my things 5 hours East. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The first day of work was a shock. Everyone was speaking in French (I mean, I knew it was a French speaking province, but I didn't hear a lick of English ANYWHERE). My computer was in French, phone mailbox and even the signs in the bathroom telling you how to wash your hands. Every day I would come home exhausted. It took a lot of effort to try and figure out what people were saying. I had to tune into my other senses. Watch body language, listen to the change in tone, as the words that were coming out of people's mouths didn't make sense. They just spoke so fast, and the slang, the SLANG.

So, I signed up for French class immediately. I had to learn French and I had to learn it QUICK. I can do this, I thought. I was in French immersion for 8 years in grade school. Piece of cake. Nope. Not at all. The first year was definitely the toughest. Sitting through French meetings, trying to decipher what was being said, being intimidated to express myself in another language and battling communication barriers everywhere I went. It was harder than I could have ever imagined. I have to say, the Québecois went over and above my expectations in making me feel at home. They were patient, warm and welcoming - which made me want to try even harder. I am very grateful to how wonderful all of my colleagues are even to this day.

I'm now onto my 4th French course. Intermediate Level 2. And I will be finishing up that level at the end of December. I still have 3 more levels to go before I can officially call myself bilingual. But, now I can sit through meetings and understand a good 85% of everything. Sure, there are words and expressions I still don't understand. My vocabulary isn't quite as vast as I'd like it to be. And I still can't express myself as much as I'd like. Looking back at how far I've come though, I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself. It's been a struggle. But through this struggle, I've definitely come out stronger. And it's only going to get better from here.

12 November 2011

We loves Pajama Jeans!

Wait a sec, what is this? Pajama jeans! It's like a knock off of Hue's jeggings. 

I have to say, I much prefer the name Pajama jeans. Best thing about this site is that it gives you barely any product knowledge. You can't see what they look like close up, at different angles or even the fabric breakdown. Just about anything you click on leads to the ORDER NOW page. I wonder how many suckers have purchased a pair of these laughable pantalons?

5 November 2011

Little Miss Independent

No matter what anyone says, 30 marks a significant point in ones life. You cannot help but think that in another 30 years, you'll be 60. And then well, you're practically dead. Well, not really, but you see where I'm going here. What I've noticed a lot in the past 5 years (and I'm sure many of you have noticed the same thing if you're in a similar age bracket), is that, friends are getting hitched and popping babies left, right and center. And you know what? I love it. I don't wish it was me, however. I mean sure, at some level I look forward to doing the same thing one day. It's just not in the cards right now, or even in the not-so-distant future.

When I was about 8 years old, my best friend started telling me ideas about what her wedding would be like. One year she wanted to wear a tux, another a traditional dress. And every year after that, it would change. She would fantasize about what she would wear and how her wedding day would be. I was 25 years old when I stood near her as her Maid of Honour.

It was a great day. 

I, on the other hand, can remember not dreaming about my "big day".  I dreamed about going on adventures, travelling and living in different places. Experiencing as much as I possibly could. I wanted to surf, snowboard - be foot loose and fancy free. And everywhere I seemed to go, my career would always follow. So, I went on adventures, travelled and lived in different places. I surfed, snowboarded. And you can be sure that I was foot loose and fancy free.

And now, at 30, people are starting to make comments about me settling down (and by people, I mean family, for the most part). Or, the familiar "You're not getting any younger" and "You know it can be dangerous to wait that long to have a baby" - but what I ask myself is this: Why is life treated like such a ruler, in that every major step is measured at a certain age? At 20 you should be doing your post secondary education, forget about travelling and exploring the world after school, you can't waste time! And at 25 you should be on the look out for your life mate, because GOD FORBID you get to 30 and aren't married. Then, once you're 30, well, baby plans better be in the making or else you're heading on a highway to Lonelyville, USA.

Am I proud of the things I've accomplished so far? Absolutely. I wouldn't change a thing. Someone recently asked me how it felt turning 30 - and if I had done everything I had wanted to. I said yes, and not only yes, but I had done far more than I dreamed of. He looked surprised - and said most people answered that they hadn't. I couldn't imagine feeling that way. Anyways, the main reason I felt compelled to write about this was because of an article my sister sent me: All the Single Ladies. This meaty, yet very interesting read, speaks about traditional marriage in society today, versus years ago, and the changing attitudes of women.

So, it looks like I'm not alone on this subject, and that there are many other women, at 30, who aren't focused on family and marriage. Well, that's reassuring. Vive l'independence! But seriously, I'm not opposed to marriage. It's a beautiful thing. As is having a family. It's just not on the list of priorities now. And that's okay. Don't worry about me, you coupled up family people, I'll do just fine. Perhaps one day I'll know what it's like to walk in your shoes. One thing I'm certain about is this: I have a set of goals and milestones I want to reach before I do such a thing. And I'm not going to let a pseudo ticking clock get in the way of me attaining them. No sir. Or m'am. Oh, whatever. 

29 October 2011

Faux Paz de Montréal

If I could take a picture with my eyes, I would have a serious abundance of great photos for this. I think it helps that I walk and take public transit. I would never see these things driving around all isolated and road raged. There are actually many pluses to it. Anyways. Here we go.

Wait, on a side note, where did October go? I can't believe it. My first month of being 30 flew by faster than any month of my life. This is good and bad. But we all know that. And sooo.

Back to the topic at hand. Our first friend is Miss Pink Fluffy Boots. These are similar to the pink croc example a few posts back. Pink shoes should just be banned. Well, at least baby pink. And there should be an age restriction. I don't think that's too far-fetched. Not at all.

Slippers or bust, little bunny.

Now, some people might disagree about this one. But I don't care. Write your own blog about it. Tights are a touchy subject. People aren't completely clear on their true purpose. It's unfortunate. I really, truly believe that leggings should not be worn as pants. Ever. Never. Not only is this beautiful black beauty breaking a rule, but she's breaking it with pizazz. 

Spandex makes you dance better. Save it for the dance floor.

I'm a big fan of prints. Animal, houndstooth, polka dots, you name it. But when you start mixing them together, you're playing with fire. Not to mention when prints are two different styles. It's a tricky thing to do, and some people can pull it off. But in this case, our lady friend clearly FAILED. Tiger print and houndstooth - with a splash of baby blue in the middle. 


My man. The 60 year old punk rocker. I've been seeing this guy for two years now. And this was my first real opportunity at snapping him. And even still, you don't get the full picture. When I first saw this man, let's call him Leonard, I totally thought he was a rock star. He just has that look to him. I would pay money to hear his story. He's not a faux pas to me, oh no. 

It's not always about the clothes, sometimes a personality can make the best outfits.

It's all about saving the best for last, isn't it? How about our werewolf friend here? There's a lot going on right now on this mans head. We have a mullet, receding hair line and perhaps the longest side burns I have ever seen. And yet, his facial hair is manscaped pretty normally. 

What gives wolfy? 

23 September 2011

Trend Report: Lola Looks at Fall

My sister and I have been very excited about the coming season (and not only for fashion reasons). We have been perusing, discussing, debating and proclaiming. She follows some pretty sweet fashion websites that I think you may also like. I will list them all for you at the bottom. Now I'm going to cut to the chase and show you some of her chosen fall 2011 looks:

Everyone needs an over-sized scarf to wrap around their necks.

Loving the dirty boots. Make sure to shop around for these, as a good pair are hard to find.

I'm not sure I will ever grow tired of cut off jeans with tights or leopoard print. The fashion gift that keeps on giving.

Lola is a big fan of this look. It makes her feel scholarly.

Spunky, and sproketey, the red headband and lips tie everything in.


21 September 2011

The Skinny Little Flea

In recent months I've seemed to have shed more weight than the years it took to put on. I have to admit, I'm over-the-moon happy about my new found size. Although, none of my pants seem to fit anymore. Only leggings. And, seeing as though leggings are getting the old clean sweep this fall, it looks like I'm S.O.L for now. Or at least until I go to Florida in 8 days.

Get rid of the leggings, ladies. Save them for home. Put them in the jogging pants category (it's hard, I know).

It amazes me how much our weight fluctuates over the years. I can remember being a fit, tight, 21 year old, looking at the mirror, enjoying what I saw. But what I remember most about that is thinking to myself, this is it, Kenzie, this is as good and tight as your little body is going to get. And I was right. No big surprise there. I think I weighed about 115 lbs at that time. Not a bad weight. Although, my buttocks and breasts weren't as full as I'd like. Anyways.

From 21 to 25 I started to slowly gain a pound a year. When I reached 120 lbs, I was fairly content. It seemed like a healthy weight. It was from the age of 25 to 29 where I began to see a difference. All of a sudden I developed love handles. Me, love handles? You're kidding me. Ah, well a cushion for the pushin as they say, right? No. No no no. Then began the expansion of my thighs. But with that my bum got plumper and rounder (we're okay with that, aren't we?).

I have to say though, that the last year and a half is when I noticed the biggest difference of all. When I first moved to Montréal, I weighed about 125 lbs. Then, in a year I packed on a hefty 12 pounds. That put me at 137 lbs. And at 5"5 I wasn't feeling too pretty. Mind you I had breasts to boot. And that was fun. Sure was. But my excessive chocolate croissant eating and latte drinking was driving me to obesityville.Something just HAD to give. But what?

Where was my motivation? I couldn't find it anywhere!

To sum it all up, in the past month and a half I have lost 17 whopping pounds. How did you do it? Well, you could say it was a blend of things, relationship changes, increase of exercise, moving to a location that forced me to walk everywhere, and of course, my god send: women's kick boxing. I am so grateful to be sitting here at 120 lbs. Feeling sexier and confident than ever. It's amazing how extra poundage not only weighs down your physical self, but how it greatly impacts your mental and emotional self. I feel so much lighter and happier.

Here are some key things I did to shed the pounds:

  • No bread. And I mean, No bread.
  • No milk. No cheese. No dairy.
  • A shake a day. With berries, bananas, etc.
  • Fruits and veggies. Nuts and grains.
  • The most important tip: CUT YOUR PORTIONS IN HALF.
I'm enjoying my new weight and the wonderful things that come with it. Plus, I feel I'm on the road to being in top form for the snowboard season *gives myself a wee pat on the back*