26 November 2011

The Movember Movement

A few years ago my brother Matthew announced to family and friends that he would be growing a mustache for the month of November. He said he would be raising money for Prostate Cancer and sending us all a link to a website www.movember.com and encouraged us to donate online. And this, my hairy and not-so-hairy friends, was my first introduction to Movember. Now, I don't get to see my brother often, but when I do, I'm accustomed to seeing his face look a certain way. But now I know what to expect during the month of November.

When I first saw my brother rocking his 'stache, not only could I not take him seriously, but I could barely carry on a conversation without my eyes being drawn to the caterpillar like insect above his upper lip. Since then, every year he's been proudly wearing his 'stache during November. And I support him 100%. I mean, if men can profit off their facial hair for a good cause, then why not? I just learned last night that there's actually something like this for women: Julina. Where women adorn their boxes with different shapes and even ornaments.

I have to say that this year the Movember Movement has grown more popular than ever. With mustaches of all thicknesses, colours and styles. Most, I find, look ridiculous. But I've come to think it's more a reason for men to feel like they're a part of some secret club. You know, it's rare to see so many men latch on to a trend. I've always associated trends with women. From Jennifer Anniston's layered hair style to Ugg boots. This right here, ladies and gentlemen, is a true phenomenon for the male species. And it'll only get more popular.

Now, I will officially give you my opinion on the Movember Movement - as it doesn't seem to be going anywhere, that is, until the end of the month when every man's sink pipes will be filled with course facial hair. And every women of theirs will gladly accept offers for oral sex again. So, men, please take notes for next year. As, after discussing with a few worthy women of opinion, we have come up with the following noteworthy requirements you should follow:

1.) If you are going to take part in the Movember Movement, you have to raise money, or at the very least, awareness

This is an important point and it's why I'm listing it as number 1. Because if you don't raise money, well quite frankly to me, and any other woman in the know about Movember, you just look like a white sheep. Even if you don't take a photo of yourself and post it online, it's OK! Just let people know you're doing it, at the very least, and why. To me it's about creating awareness more than just following the crowd. And trust me, we know who you are.

2.) You have to play by the rules. There are no exceptions.

Play by the rules. I've noticed some men with beards before November 1st, who just shaved themselves a mustache on the first of the month. And I'm not exactly sure why? Perhaps to avoid the embarrassment of the inevitable in between stages? Regardless, you're a cheater - plain and simple - so man up and grow through the awkward stages just like the rest of them do. And believe me, you're more of a man for doing it. We commend you for it, guys.

3.) Maintain your mustache!

This last requirement is an integral part of this event. We know you're not used to having a mustache. A beard, perhaps, but probably not a 'stache. As such, you should do a little research, ask some buds, whatever, just maintain the 'stache. Trim it so it's not growing over your upper lip, keep it even and tidy. Nobody likes an out of control mustache. It's a distraction enough. And, look into different styles and consider what would look best for you. 

If you see any mustaches worthy of snapping, please send them my way! 

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