5 November 2011

Little Miss Independent

No matter what anyone says, 30 marks a significant point in ones life. You cannot help but think that in another 30 years, you'll be 60. And then well, you're practically dead. Well, not really, but you see where I'm going here. What I've noticed a lot in the past 5 years (and I'm sure many of you have noticed the same thing if you're in a similar age bracket), is that, friends are getting hitched and popping babies left, right and center. And you know what? I love it. I don't wish it was me, however. I mean sure, at some level I look forward to doing the same thing one day. It's just not in the cards right now, or even in the not-so-distant future.

When I was about 8 years old, my best friend started telling me ideas about what her wedding would be like. One year she wanted to wear a tux, another a traditional dress. And every year after that, it would change. She would fantasize about what she would wear and how her wedding day would be. I was 25 years old when I stood near her as her Maid of Honour.

It was a great day. 

I, on the other hand, can remember not dreaming about my "big day".  I dreamed about going on adventures, travelling and living in different places. Experiencing as much as I possibly could. I wanted to surf, snowboard - be foot loose and fancy free. And everywhere I seemed to go, my career would always follow. So, I went on adventures, travelled and lived in different places. I surfed, snowboarded. And you can be sure that I was foot loose and fancy free.

And now, at 30, people are starting to make comments about me settling down (and by people, I mean family, for the most part). Or, the familiar "You're not getting any younger" and "You know it can be dangerous to wait that long to have a baby" - but what I ask myself is this: Why is life treated like such a ruler, in that every major step is measured at a certain age? At 20 you should be doing your post secondary education, forget about travelling and exploring the world after school, you can't waste time! And at 25 you should be on the look out for your life mate, because GOD FORBID you get to 30 and aren't married. Then, once you're 30, well, baby plans better be in the making or else you're heading on a highway to Lonelyville, USA.

Am I proud of the things I've accomplished so far? Absolutely. I wouldn't change a thing. Someone recently asked me how it felt turning 30 - and if I had done everything I had wanted to. I said yes, and not only yes, but I had done far more than I dreamed of. He looked surprised - and said most people answered that they hadn't. I couldn't imagine feeling that way. Anyways, the main reason I felt compelled to write about this was because of an article my sister sent me: All the Single Ladies. This meaty, yet very interesting read, speaks about traditional marriage in society today, versus years ago, and the changing attitudes of women.

So, it looks like I'm not alone on this subject, and that there are many other women, at 30, who aren't focused on family and marriage. Well, that's reassuring. Vive l'independence! But seriously, I'm not opposed to marriage. It's a beautiful thing. As is having a family. It's just not on the list of priorities now. And that's okay. Don't worry about me, you coupled up family people, I'll do just fine. Perhaps one day I'll know what it's like to walk in your shoes. One thing I'm certain about is this: I have a set of goals and milestones I want to reach before I do such a thing. And I'm not going to let a pseudo ticking clock get in the way of me attaining them. No sir. Or m'am. Oh, whatever. 


  1. Bravo Miss Independent Flea!! I couldn't agree more. Theres plenty of time in life for everything. Just because the time is right for someone else, does not mean its right for you and thats just alright.

  2. Ignore the people who are telling you what to do. Only you know what you want. Never let the pressure of society make you feel obliged to get married and have kids. Most people end up doing that... and then 50 percent get divorced.
    Love ya.

  3. Trust me...having a partner and a kid isn't the be all end all. Although i love them and appreciate them both very much I envy my still single non breeding girlfriends. You just live life for you cuz at the end of it all we are all alone. And you know if you get lonely you can always come to my house and get your fill of annoyances xoxoxox

  4. No bullshit, I know the real reason for not establishing is that you just wanna keep fucking with different guys as you have been doing so far. Keep on going, you're building a nice future as a slot!

  5. is that so? you know me? personally?

    then why are you hiding, anonymous?

    grow some fuzzy peaches and tell me who you are. otherwise, i don't give a shit about you. delete. delete. delete.

    jealousy is a bitch, ain't it? aawyeah.
