9 December 2011

Annnnd it's a Green Light for Intercourse

Birth control is never a subject that gets talked about enough. I mean, between ladies, sure, we talk about it - but solutions, tips and tricks, well, they don't really exist for the most part. You either take the pill, use condoms, practice the "rhythm" method or you simply play Russian roulette. That or you have an IUD. We are all very much aware of what our options are.

I have always struggled with birth control and my options. I hate taking the pill. I don't like to have to take a pill that I don't really know how it effects me. Not to mention having to take it every day, at the same goddamn hour. Remember when the pill patch came out? WOAH breakthrough. Ya, for all of a few months. I mean, come on, a patch? Ugh. So not sexy.

And so, due to our limited sexy options, millions of women opt for the birth control pill. This scares me. There is just something not right about it. The amount of estrogen that goes into these little tablets. It can't be good for your body. Day in, day out, millions of women across the world are peeing estrogen into our toilets. Isn't that slightly disturbing? To me it is.

What I find really interesting is what the pill has done for women in the work force:

"Claudia Goldin, among others, argue that this new contraceptive technology was a key player in forming women's modern economic role, in that it prolonged the age at which women first married allowing them to invest in education and other forms of human capital as well as generally become more career-oriented. Soon after the birth control pill was legalized, there was a sharp increase in college attendance and graduation rates for women. From an economic point of view, the birth control pill reduced the cost of staying in school. The ability to control fertility without sacrificing sexual relationships allowed women to make long term educational and career plans." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combined_oral_contraceptive_pill

I know this is no new news, as the pill was released in the late 60's and has been going strong since then. However, I was recently sent an article that made me think there could be a change. A very ingenious change, at that. I now introduce you to Lady-Comp: The fertility monitor. This incredible little gadget is able to detect when you are fertile. The only thing you do is press a button once a day, which takes your temperature orally. It takes merely seconds. Red light means you're fertile, yellow means you're probably fertile, and finally it's a green light for intercourse. Amazing! With a bit of a hefty price of $500, it's not the cheapest of options. But when you think of your body, what you put into it and what that's worth, this is


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