12 June 2011

Circus Freak: Is it normal for women to have nipple hair?

The question of all questions! Is it normal to have nipple hair? Nobody wants to talk about it. It gets swept under the rug: When in fact, nipple hair, for women, is a very common occurrence. So why, pray tell is everyone so "husssssh" about it?

I asked my cousin a year or so ago, "hey, do you get nipple hair"? She replied "OMG, YES"! And from then on, we talked about it quite often, actually. Little messages here and there "Have YOU trimmed YOUR nipple hair lately"? and so on. Now, I will admit, that I have two. One, two. That's it. I feel lucky. Because, from the sounds of it, it's not that much. That's not to say that I didn't encounter other things, but that's another topic. Anyways. Back to nipple hair. The subject nobody wants to talk about. Well, I'm bringing it out in the open.

Nipple hair is not something most would think is attractive. Women get self-conscious about it, think they look ugly, wonder if there's something wrong with them. WELL GUESS WHAT? NOTHING IS WRONG WITH YOU, IT'S JUST NIPPLE HAIR!!!

Now, seriously, if you've plucked it, and fueled the hair fire, then you will have to take action. And I recommend electrolysis. Medium priced and permanent, I think it's a good solution. Otherwise, if you just have a few like me, you can use those teeny little scissors used for trimming nostril hairs. I know, all of this kinda makes you squirm a bit. But, this is a natural function of the body. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Know that you are not alone.

I found a discussion forum on nipple hair. Here's a couple I want to share with you:

A female reader, anonymous, writes (17 April 2011):

Wow! how liberating to see other people have the same problem as me. It's like balm to my spirit because it has terribly bothered me for many years and I have never talked about it to anyone. I first started feeling like a freak when I went for a yearly checkup and my doctor says "wow, you have hair around your nipples" 

A male reader, roger_p_allen United States +, writes (28 April 2009):

My very first girlfriend had this unique characteristic, and I found it as sexy as hell! My girlfriend didn't try to do anything about it, so she had thick rings of long, dark hairs about each of her nipples. I thought it acted as an irresistible magnet to draw attention to her perky nipples. I loved it! Yes, she asked me if she should do something about it, and I told her, "Don't you dare!"

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