5 January 2012

Les Faux Pas – The remaining batch from 2011

The last few months have proven to be busy times. As I'm sure it has for everyone else. But, I couldn't start off a new post for 2012 without sharing my remaining 2011 snapshots. It will almost be a year that I've been writing here. It's interesting to look back and see the evolution. A good friend of mine recently bought me a book to write in, and on the cover it says "We write to taste life twice".  I can easily say that this is the main reason why I write in the first place. Not only because I enjoy the process, and find it fun and relaxing, but more so because I can look back and have somewhat of a tangible memory. Kinda neat, eh? Ok. Enough with the sentimental bullshit. Let's look at some of the remaining beauties of 2011.

It seems as though there was a pattern of hair victims. But are they really victims? For their sake, I hope they are. If not, well, 

god bless them, and their hair follicles. 

I see this woman everywhere. And she makes me smile. Some days she actually puts herself together quite well. Her look fascinates me. I would love the opportunity to interview her about her thoughts on style, her favourite colours and patterns. Maybe one day I'll ask her. 

This picture doesn't do justice for the size of this women's hair. It was bigger than three of my heads put together. How she washes and drys it is beyond me. I sympathize with those who have a lot of hair. In her case I'd probably go see a hair stylist who was able to thin her hair out using those special scissors. I find many people with hair like this are frightened of trying different things. They stick with the same stylist they've had for years who give them the same cut time after time. I think this hair has the potential to be rather beautiful. 

Here we have a fuzzy troll doll. Poor her. Fuzzy hair is never good. Especially when it's thin and fluffy. It's not like she can put product in it to solve the problem. Hair like that'd be tough to manage. Thumbs up to her for supporting its unfortunate state by rocking a grunge look.

Hot pink jeans, muffin top pudge, adorned with a white sweater wrapped around the shoulders à la golf style. Sexxxxy lady. Ungh. She puts a new meaning to the term "age appropriate".

And my favourite. Not only is she representing the vagina coat club, but she's also wearing STUDDED leggings. What a masterpiece! And it's at McDonald's (yes, I was there, I'll have you know that I ate my apple pie with a knife and fork). These leggings are what did it for me. They are a complete disaster. There is nothing stylish about them. Not only do you look ridiculous in your vagina coat, but you're also winning the prize by sporting such a hideous piece of material. Bravo, girl! Thank you for providing entertainment to my eyes.

That's it, that's all. Not sure what the next year is going to bring about with this here, fashion flea, but, I can already tell you I enjoy doing it more and more every time. I wholeheartedly wish everyone an even better year than the last. lots of love and sloppy wet kisses xx ff


  1. vagina coat club 4 lyfe

  2. You sure feel so bad in your skin (and I don't blame you, having that face, nipple hair and fat body of yours who wouldn't?) that you have to continue your hedious criticism of other people? Really? I really wish this 2012 you get a life, stop thinking yourself as a fashion guru and stop being a bitchy non-worthy blogger for most part!

  3. and my suggestion to you?

    lay off the haterade and go take some english courses.

    then maybe, just maybe, i will be able to take your post more seriously.
